LOST BOYS (The American Nomads Book 2)

Inside the Book

Lost Boys

Title: LOST BOYS (The American Nomads Book 2)
Author: Nancy McLaughlin
Publisher: Twisted Sky, LLC
Pages: 314
Genre: Young Adult Fiction


Life has returned to normal for the Nomads. Finn and Teague are closer than ever. The bond between River and Cash is evolving into something more, and Zac has his family of misfits. Even Beth has come into her own. No longer a greenie, she is now a full, contributing member of the group. Her internet fame has blossomed beyond anything she could have ever imagined.

Riding the rails from one adventure to another, life is perfect.

Or so it seems…

Recently released from prison, Daniel is on a quest to locate Finn. Thanks to Beth’s videos, he has a trail that will lead him straight to his quarry.

As the miles scroll by, the distance between Daniel and Finn shortens, bringing them closer to an ultimate confrontation.

Who will survive when their paths collide?

Book Information

Release Date: March 29, 2021 (e-book)

Publisher:  Twisted Sky, LLC.

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1736705940; 314 pages; $13.99; E-Book, $3.99

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3JDKJ2k

Signed Copies – www.nancylmclaughlin.com

Lost Boys 8


N.L. McLaughlin

N.L. McLaughlin was born and raised in Massachusetts. After serving in the USMC, she returned home and went to college. Not long after, she moved to California and married. Six kids and multiple moves around the US later, she and her family call Texas home.

Her latest book is the YA fiction, Lost Boys: Book Two of the American Nomads.

You can visit her website at  www.NancyLMclaughlin.com or connect with her on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

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I found LOST BOYS (The American Nomads Book 2) to be a little confusing as I did not read book one first which left me a little lost on the characters. However, I quickly go into the swing of things and started to pick up more and more of the story and characters as I continued to read. Overall, I have to say that I enjoyed the book, but I would recommend reading book one first!

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