The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog A Blend of Truth, Fiction and Inspiration from the Other Side by Trisha Watson


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog A Blend of Truth, Fiction and Inspiration from the Other Side by Trisha Watson
Category:  Adult Fiction (18 +),  284 pages
Genre:  Dog Story, Inspirational
Publisher:  Stone & Light Publishing
Release date:   January 20, 2020
Content Rating:  G for General Audiences Description:

By reading this newly released book for the dog lover’s soul, you are about to take a remarkable journey through the eyes of Russell the dog. At times you will find that reading about his spiritual adventures takes an open mind, and a willingness to laugh and cry. By choice, Russell has come into this life with a unique dual purpose: to experience his present lifetime as a dog and to review his previous lifetime as a man. His journey is multidimensional; taking him through numerous challenges triggering a spectrum of emotions which he resists. One of his special abilities is to telepathically hear and communicate with other animals, his Spirit Guides, and even people when necessary for his growth. In the process, Russell learns about reincarnation, karma, grace, unlimited thinking, and forgiveness – all from a dog’s point of view and that of a soul who has had many previous human lifetimes.
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Author Trisha Watson

About the Author

Trisha Watson has a reverence for life, nature, and compassion for those in need, including, and especially animals. Of course, that encompasses pets too, and thus all her dogs and cats over the years were rescues or strays. Because of her passion, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book is donated to different animal rescue organizations. Twenty years of self-employment helped her develop a can-do attitude. When asked about the process of writing a book she said, “This story wouldn’t leave me alone, much of it flowed easily. Some of it I don’t remember writing, which at first was spooky, but later made complete sense as the story revealed itself. My intention with this book is to perhaps provide a source of inspiration and healing for those who read it.” At sixteen, Trisha began her spiritual journey. Over the years she has delved into many facets always with an open mind and a dash of healthy skepticism. Never looking back, she keeps moving forward in her own spiritual adventure, seeking to learn and share her experiences with others. Trisha was born in Rhode Island. A few years later her family moved to the “Mile High City” Denver, Colorado where she grew up. As an adult she was drawn to the mountains eventually settling in Evergreen, a small mountain town outside of Denver. It is there she’s built a life with her husband Mark and their two dogs, Maggie and Cooper.

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The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog A Blend of Truth, Fiction and Inspiration from the Other Side by Trisha Watson was a well written book that I greatly enjoyed. As a dog lover I found this book to not only be inspirational, but also to be an enjoyable read that really made me stop and thing about myself, my life, and my dog. I’m glad I read it!

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